Suomen Nuorkauppakamarien digilehti johtajuudesta
Suomen Nuorkauppakamarien digilehti johtajuudesta

Kansalliselta puheenjohtajalta

Junior Chamber International = JCI  

2013 Monaco, my first European Conference and big international event in JCI. Dutch style DJ playing 30 seconds of a song and mixing it next one. Complex drink ticket process for buying orange juice. 

After 10 years, 2023, back to Monaco. European Presidents Meeting. Walking by the venues, asking myself: “What did I learn the last time I was here?”. The culture: if you’re prepared, looking sharp, speaking fluently and not worrying about money – things are easy here. 

European Night. I saw head of staff and asked for tonic water, rosemary, and cranberries. Yes, I had Kyrö Napue Gin with me and noted: “Money isn’t a problem, I just need the stuff to bring Finland to life here in your lovely country. He pointed tonic bottles: “Take as much you like – I’ll see what I can do for the rest.”. After a few moments, he came back with red currants, rasberries, and sprigs of rosemary. Here – take my money! He smiled: “Oh no sir, enjoy!”. I ended up making the drinks in wine glasses by order. Slow, but magical and personal. Finished Napue and last three “customers” left empty handed. Legendary. 

I still remember the surprise “award” that the Finnish Senate gave me for the great work I did raising the 

atmosphere in 2016 World Congress at Quebec, Canada. Attracting people to booth, creating long lasting 

memories – it’s hard work and mentally demanding role. Even this year’s Vice President for Europe, assigned to Nordics, Laurence Schuurman, remembers me from that event. 

The JCI Academy in Japan, 2023, was also a success – no, no alcohol this time. We became friends with my Cambodian colleague, Oudam “Sane” Ly. I literally shouted: “Hey man, I’m coming to Asian-Pacific 

Conference (ASPAC) in Your country!” as it’s customary to JCI Finland’s National President to visit the event creating network for our advocacy work. A week ago, Oudam confirmed there are 15 people coming directly to Oulu from their ASPAC event. I’m still sorry not being able to offer Northern Lights and the Nightless Night at the same time. 

About ASPAC, the grey laptop bag I carry with me, is from 2019 ASPAC. I, and many others, bought the trip ourselves, but we marketed the 2019 World Congress in Tallinn heartily. Our after-parties in our crib were of course legendary after the heavy trainings and official stuff. And what do you know, one crazy Aussie, 

Emory White, I met there – is now Vice President of Europe too. And her friend asked my testimonials to support the Senatorship for Emory half a year ago. 

Month ago, I was in Prague, European Presidents Meeting. During networking with young people, I asked could this day be any better? Our group leader replied that chocolate makes things always better. Ran to hotel and came back with my favorite – Fazer – saying: “Ask, and You shall be served!”. 

Now, we’re heading to European Conference in Oulu 12-15.6! What an amazing event it will be! Register now – – and meet the amazing international network in Oulu! 


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