Suomen Nuorkauppakamarien digilehti johtajuudesta
Suomen Nuorkauppakamarien digilehti johtajuudesta

This year’s young outstanding persons: Hyysalo, Linnonmaa and Miettinen

This year Junior Chamber International Finland implemented for the 27th time the Outstanding Young Persons’ Programme. This year’s winners are Pekka Hyysalo, Jaajo Linnonmaa and Heidi Miettinen. The Outstanding Young Person Award is valued around the world. The aim of this programme is to find successful young persons under 40 years in their own filed of expertise.

Pekka Hyysalo in the category of personal growth

Pekka Hyysalo is a Finnish freestyle skier, whose career ended in serious injury. Fast and all by surprise after rehabilitation, he has dedicated his life to helping others. He is constantly looking for new ways in which he could support others in a similar situation.

His attitude and the results of its work has also been noticed elsewhere, for he has been awarded. He was chosen the most positive in 2014. He circulates around Finland by motivating others even though his own rehabilitation is not yet completed.

Jaajo Linnonmaa in the category Culture

Jaajo Linnonmaa speaks positively about entrepreneurship and working in Finland, which has encouraged other people in their lives forward and given courage to try. He meets monthly numerous young start-up entrepreneurs. He helps and encourages them to forward to either a counselor or a so-called actions. His goal is to help contribute to the positive development of society and to make Finland a better place to live, and for entrepreneurship.

Heidi Miettinen in the category of humanitarian and volunteer activities

Heidi Miettinen has set up a Christmas Help site, allowing the Christmas festivities possible for everyone, including for low-income families. The site allows to help people easily. It acts as a link between a significant number of donor-beneficiary and has been the ease of people to donate and help our neighbors.

Grand Jury of the Competition

The Competition Grand Jury chose three winners from among the finalists. The jury members were editor in chief Päivi Anttikoski (Helsingin Sanomat), last year’s Outstandig Person in Finland free photographer, journalist Meeri Koutaniemi, Regional Manager Mirva Kurki (Kultajousi), director Paula Laine (Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra), the 2006 TOYP winner Jyrki Linnankivi, 1996, Outstanding Young Person in Finland, Ph.D., associate professor Pekka Mattsson, chief commercial Officer Petri Parviainen (Robert’s Coffee) and the 2016 national President Mervi Vuorinen (Junior Chamber International Finland). Patron of the competition was the head coach Jukka Jalonen. Members of the jury and the patron of the competition were present at the Award Ceremony.
The Award Ceremony was held at Sanomatalo on Friday, 9th December. The Award Ceremony was hosted by Kimmo Sainio from Radio Suomipop.

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