Suomen Nuorkauppakamarien digilehti johtajuudesta
Suomen Nuorkauppakamarien digilehti johtajuudesta

Education and project export opens up numerous opportunities for Finnish members

The goal of the education export projects is to open up new gateways and offer our Finnish members the possibility to educate themselves and develop as trainers internationally. The Academies and “Train the Trainer” events held in Finland, bring the international dimensions of our organization closer to the members and create opportunities for a richer Finnish economy through new international contacts. By sharing our knowledge with other jaycees and national organizations around the world, we improve our profile as an active JCI organization e.g. by occidentalizing training practices, which is in great demand. Through this kind of international activity we strengthen our networks abroad, which benefits us all.

Strategy Academy brings international trainees to Finland and also benefits the organizing chapter financially. So don’t hesitate, take a brave step into the world of international education – there are endless opportunities for Finnish jaycees!

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