Suomen Nuorkauppakamarien digilehti johtajuudesta
Suomen Nuorkauppakamarien digilehti johtajuudesta

Go for it! – Agneta Wackström

AWIn 2011 I joined the JCI chapter in Porvoo, because I wanted new challenges in my life. I did not know then, what is to come. These five years have been inspiring and educational. I’ve got a lot of experience and at the same time I have developed myself as human being, as well as a leader.

JCI activities have given me the courage to rely on my own skills.  Today I’m Branch Manager at Aktia Bank Plc, in Sipoo. Without the Junior Chamber International, I would not have had the courage to step into these shoes or even dare to apply for the position. Courage and passion for JCI activities, I got as Local President in 2013, when I got the chance to show what I can do. In the same year I was also Conference Director for the Annual Regional meeting of the A area. The year 2013 taught me about what teamwork can be at its best and its importance, at the same time I got to learn about how to management people, as well as taking responsibility. At this point, I was sold. I had a network around Finland and a lot of new friends. I have advanced in my JCI career, a year per position basis, even though I had no such plans when I joined as a trial member, but the enthusiasm has continued year after year. Last year, I applied to be Executive Vice President, so that I could get new exciting challenges for this year.

I wanted to tell you my story, what good I have received from JCI and I encouraged all to throw themselves in to the possibilities offered by the Junior Chamber International. You’ll never know where you end up, but if you don’t try, you’ll never know.

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