Suomen Nuorkauppakamarien digilehti johtajuudesta
Suomen Nuorkauppakamarien digilehti johtajuudesta

Tarjoa koulutustasi JCI:n Area Conferenssien ohjelmaan

JCI hakee kouluttajia/koulutuksia JCI:n Area Conferenssien ohjelmaan.

Haku tapahtuu Events-osiossa. Sisäänkirjautumisen jälkee klikkaa sen Area Conferenssin tapahtumaa, johon hakuat koulutustasi tarjota. Programs-välilehdeltä löydät Training Request-osion. DL hakemuksille on 9.2.2018. Alta löydät JCI:n julkaiseman hakukuulutuksen.

Kysymyksiä prosessiin ja hakuun liittyen voit laittaa sähköpostilla (englanniksi).

All active JCI members or past members who are active in the community and still contributing to the Local Organization who have training skills and experience in local activities and leadership, are invited to submit proposals to share their experiences at the 2018 JCI Area Conferences.

Proposed skills development sessions must be related to the development of the skills and abilities of JCI members so they can improve the administration, leadership and management of the Local Organization and conduct projects that create sustainable solutions and positive change in their communities. All skills development sessions at Area Conferences will be focused on one of the following themes: Strategic planning / management, Motivational Coaching, Partnerships, Behavioral / communications or Entrepreneurship. These sessions can be either 90 minutes, 2 hours or 3 hours in length.

Skills development sessions must support JCI Local Officers and members to accomplish the JCI Mission by conducting more relevant community projects. Consequently, the Local Organizations must have well prepared officers and leaders. JCI is therefore calling for courses and sessions with the following criteria:

JCI is inviting trainers and speakers who created or studied advanced theories or methods of strategic planning / management, motivational coaching, partnerships, behavioral / communications or entrepreneurship. Specific topics relating to these themes can range from leading the Millennial generation, managing volunteer organizations to reach their mission and goals, problem solving and decision making in the group dynamic, involving young active citizens in JCI projects, creatively engaging unrelated sectors of society toward creating positive change, etc. To apply for these sessions, you should have a deep knowledge on the subject and great experience in leading JCI members at local and national levels.

If you intend to apply, please keep the following in mind:

You should only apply if you are certain you will attend the event. Failing to attend events for which you applied to lead a course creates a problem. While there may be reasonable causes for cancellations, please do not apply if there is a risk that you may not be able to attend.

You must cover your own registration, travel and hotel accommodations. Conducting sessions at a JCI Event is a great opportunity to broaden your horizons, generate invitations from other National or Local Organizations, and become internationally recognized. JCI does not provide any financial assistance to those who conduct sessions at JCI Events. The Conference Organizing Committee will provide basic logistic aids (projector, screen, flip chart, paper and markers), but members must bring their own laptops and audio devices.

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