Suomen Nuorkauppakamarien digilehti johtajuudesta
Suomen Nuorkauppakamarien digilehti johtajuudesta

Sustainable Business – From Local Project to International Impact 

Text: Mikko Oskari Eskola Photo: Mari Männistö 

Junior Chambers around the world implement projects that positively impact their communities while developing their members into more responsible leaders. One shining example is Kestävä Kainuu – Responsible Kainuu, an initiative ideated by Sini Anttila and brought to life through the collaborative efforts of JCI Kajaani. What started as a project to enhance sustainability awareness across the Kainuu region quickly grew into a core aspect of JCI Kajaani’s activities. Today, sustainability and responsibility are not just part of individual projects but are the heart and soul of the chamber’s work. 

This project became the foundation for the national Vastuullinen Bisnes – Sustainable Business initiative under JCI Finland, which now influences JCI chapters across the country. By focusing on bringing sustainability into the spotlight and highlighting responsible actions, the project has provided JCI members and SMEs with the tools to take practical steps toward more sustainable practices. 

A few years ago, Sini moved to Sweden, where she became an active member of JCI Sweden. In June, she was invited to share her expertise by conducting a Sustainable Business workshop alongside Mikko Oskari Eskola, national project leader for JCI Finland, at the JCI European Conference 2024. This workshop brought together JCI members from across Europe to explore how sustainability aligns with JCI’s core values and strategic thinking. Participants delved into how sustainability can be more deeply integrated into JCI projects and become a driving force for impactful change. 

Following this, Sini was also asked to conduct a similar Sustainable Business workshop at JCI Sweden’s national conference. Her leadership and dedication to sustainability were recognized, and she has since been elected as Executive Vice President Partnership (EVP BUS) on the 2025 National Board of JCI Sweden. This demonstrates how a local project, born from a single idea and expanded through the efforts of an entire chamber, can grow into an international movement. It’s inspiring to see how work initiated in one country can expand globally, bringing sustainability to new platforms and communities. 

Sini’s message to JCI members and businesses is clear: “Sustainability is the future, and we all must take responsibility for it – in our lives, in business, and in our organizations. What will be your chamber’s greatest sustainability action this year? And what about tomorrow?” 

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