JCI is a global organization, and all the local chapters create positive change in their local communities. What kind of projects are done in other countries? Let’s have a closer look at one project from Hong Kong.
The world is facing severe waste problems. We are all responsible for the clean and sustainable future, but even more so – the young ones. To achieve a more sustainable and green future, creativity and education are key components to educate children.
In 2019 JCI Lion Rock, a chapter from Hong Kong, pursued an international project to come up with solutions for this increasing waste problem. Sunny Chan, an active JCI member and an Environmental Engineer, was the Project Manager. So what happened in the project?

Empowering young volunteers to take action
The project was designed for secondary school students, age between 12 and 15 years. The recruitment was efficient and over 70 students took part in this ambitious project and became” The Green Heroes”.
Green Heroes Alliance stands for three values: sustainable community, youth empowerment, and building local and international platform. And the project covered them all! Besides the environmental awareness, the participants got a chance to practice team-building and project management skills. After completing the training and workshops, groups were formed and the young volunteers presented their creative ideas to reduce and upcycle waste to other groups of people, e.g., elderly or children. The most outstanding volunteers received a sponsored trip to Japan. Volunteers travelled to Japan to share their ideas, to learn and reflect on how Japan handles similar environmental concerns. It was the first time in JCI Lion Rock’s history that a project reached an international partnership and conducted an outbound trip with teenagers.
The project aimed to develop sustainable cities and communities by taking climate action and collaborating to achieve the goals. The project followed the United Nations´ Sustainable Development Goals that inspire us all to achieve a more sustainable future.
Green Heroes Alliance received a large amount of media attention in Hong Kong and abroad. Although the project has already ended, its legacy lives. The young green leaders are now spreading the word of the importance of reducing waste and sharing skills for practical solutions to give waste products a new life.
TEXT: Anna Vekka & Pauliina Papunen
50 years old local chapter in Hong Kong with around 100 members. Their chapter has many well-known practical projects, such as “Get In Gear Volunteer” and “Elite Mentorship Program”. The mentorship program has received a lot appraise. In the project their local leaders of local corporates, social enterprises and the awardees of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons of Hong Kong mentor the members of JCI Lion Rock.